Thursday 16 May 2024

One Without a Second

Nanne Nyander 

"One Without a Second"


Nanne Nyander . se


NEW book now available for purchase.

Go to shop:

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Shortly I will be announcing a 
I will be giving away a few copies of my new book.


Poems from the book:


Waiting for the magic to catch up with me, 
waiting for nothing.
Magic is already here, but I can’t see it. 
Hanging on to the self is blinding me, 
blinding me from seeing the magic that I am. 
But, what am I?
I can’t be a me,
I don’t even exist.
I, me, magic, it’s all the same,
an imaginary bubble in the sky. 

-from "One Without a Second"


The one I thought I was is getting blurry. 
She is not as solid as she once was,
or was she ever solid?
I feel like a boat drifting in the dark,
with no light to guide me in the right direction. 
I have no idea where I am,
or where I’m headed.
I’m moving without moving, 
everything moves in slow motion.
I can vaguely make out a thought,
a memory,
a feeling,
but then they’re gone,
just touching me softly when passing by, 
and sometimes not so softly.
I’m here,
but where is here,
and what am I?

-from "One Without a Second"


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