Friday 9 December 2022

Out of the Labyrinth

 I have been writing poems for the last couple of years, 
or have they been written through me? 
Just like most of my paintings, these poems are about spiritual awakening, which is not always an easy ride. Well, is it ever? 
Some have it smoother than others, I guess.

My poems have turned into three books. 

”Poems from the path to spiritual awakening.”

Book one is available now. “Out of the Labyrinth”, 

each book contains 111 poems. 

You can order the book from most bookstores 

or click on the link:

Here are some selected poems from book one, 

“Out of the Labyrinth”.


Colour and light
playing seriously on the canvas,
making stunning pictures.
wondrous, silent,
wordless signs, leading to your inner self.
The painter has given you a key to your own universe. 

It brings you silence 

in the midst of your tumultuous world. 

The world is full of signposts,
find them, 

take them in. 

Cherish them, 

breathe in the moment. 



fearless, silent.
You are here to meet the I. 


Have I lost this battle?
Am I still a worthy warrior,
even though it seems like a never-ending war? 

The war is between my mind
and the truth of what I am.
It’s a one-sided war that can not be won 

until I lay down my weapons and realise 

that we are on the same side.
My war is in my head,
and as long as the fighting is going on, 

there will be no peace. 

Truth is my ally.
Truth is within me. 

Truth is me.
I am truth,
I’m silence,
I’m the silent warrior for peace. 


I’ve been chasing myself my whole life, 

like chasing my own shadow. 

When I finally stopped,
I managed to catch up with myself, 

realising that,
I’ve been here the whole time. 


Wednesday 2 February 2022

Book "Silence"


Welcome to my Writing Space!

I’m working on a new book of poems.
I have previously written a book that I called Silence. 
The book Silence has a collection of 30 poems 
and 31 full pages of my Angel-paintings.
The poems are mostly about the “path” 
to spiritual awakening.


ISBN: 9789176997949


Click on the link if you wish to order the book: 

Poems from the book “Silence”.


The nature is out there, 

Telling its story. Can you hear it? 

It can’t see it-self, but you are its eyes, 

Its senses, you are its voice, you can tell its story, 

If you can hear it. Listen!... I can hear it screaming 

Loud enough for the whole planet to wake up. 

Slow down. Wake up and listen… 

Why can’t you hear it? 

I call out its pain in a tormented voice, 

And wonder… 

Why can’t you hear me? 


It’s a longing in my chest so big, 

A longing for you and the infinite. 

Enter my soul and let us melt into the sea of life. 

Let us float down the river of bliss. 

Let us embrace each other like two angels hungry for 

Eternal love. Let us wake up together and become 

One with the universe. 


Silence is all around us, 

Listen and you can hear it loud enough 

To wake the unconscious. 

Penetrate my soul and you can move 

To another dimension, 

Silently you can slip through the veil. 

Be what you are, the unborn being 

That has been unnoticed following you 

Every step of the way, to your own 


