Sunday 31 December 2023

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


I’m here, I’m done.
This is the beginning of my freedom. Precious memories
of a beautiful past that never happened. 

What is it I tell myself to keep believing in these lies, 

all these lies that the mind keeps telling me?
I just listen and don’t take much interest in 

what it tells me anymore.
I can see its desperate attempts to lure me in.
I don’t want to play that game.
I stay at a distance and just watch.
It tells me the most amazing things,
but I can’t believe them anymore. Sometimes it succeeds, 

and I do what it tells me to do, all to distract me from I.
But I don’t want to be distracted anymore.
It’s all unbelievably crazy.
I’m here. I am. 



It’s a bird in my heart,
singing for freedom,
freedom from self.
It’s a bird in my heart desperately trying to get out. 

I open my heart and let it in. 
