Friday, 7 March 2025

Giveaway "The Silence of Awareness"

 Nanne Nyander Poems and Paintings

The Silence of Awareness by Nanne Nyander

I will give away some copies of my new book

“The Silence of Awareness”.

If you would like to receive a copy, 

write me an e-mail and tell me 

why you think the book might 

be a book for you.

Maybe your e-mail will be one 

of the ones that gets selected.  

Write to:

Monday, 3 March 2025

Nothing Ever Happened

 Nanne Nyander

Photo by Nanne Nyander, Rishikesh

Without thought,

time can no longer exist.

The illusion of time is just made up of thought. 

Does that mean nothing ever happened?

If I don’t go to thought, there is only now.

A sad feeling of losing everything,

of losing everyone, hits me like a gigantic wave.

 Being nothing in a big ocean of nothing.

 Like I’m waking up from a dream,

it’s all gone, it never did exist.

It leaves an empty feeling that lingers, 

and slowly, slowly it disappears. 

But it’s all thought.

Nothing ever happened.

-Nanne Nyander