Friday, 21 February 2025

Mistaken Identity

 Nanne Nyander

I cannot remove myself from your 

world of illusion,

but I can remove you from mine, 

by not thinking about you. 

Isn’t that amazing?  

-Nanne Nyander
-Photo by Nanne Nyander

A thought cannot win me over, 
but it can seem to make me drowsy,
 to make me not be on my guard. 
It’s easy to slip into oblivion, 
thinking I’m a me.
I need to be alert.
No thought can win me over,
but sometimes they seem to drug me,
 and I drift away into la-la land. 
No thoughts are me,
it’s just a mistaken identity.

-Nanne Nyander, "The Silence of Awareness"

Tuesday, 18 February 2025


 Nanne Nyander
Photo by Nanne Nyander

I’m here,

I feel, see, hear.

No need to analyse,

no need to commentate on everything.

Just be.

I’m here,

I feel, see, hear.

No thoughts about the past or future

is holding me imprisoned.

I’m here.

There is nothing more than here and now. 

I’m here.

No sane person would ever leave this peace. 

But we are all a little insane,

at war with everything.

Even when alone,

we battle a private war in our own heads. 

Why would we ever want to exchange 

this peace for that?

We are all so innocent,

innocently insane.

I’m here,

I feel, see, hear.

I’m here.

-Nanne Nyander
Photo by Nanne Nyander

Friday, 14 February 2025



The feeling of emptiness is filling me with love, 
love for everything.
The feeling of nothingness, embraces my being, 
like being embraced by the universe,
and embracing the universe at the same time. 
We are one, and one is all.
All is love in disguise.

-Nanne Nyander

In another world, another time, 
what would normal look like?

-The Silence of Awareness

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

New Hope

 Nanne Nyander

New Hope by Nanne Nyander
-New Hope by Nanne Nyander

Hope follows me wherever I go,
but Hope is my biggest obstacle.
She keeps me focused on the future,
focused on becoming.
Despair is holding my hand,
he keeps me stuck in the past.
Hope and Despair walk hand in hand with me, 
happily distracting me from what I am, 
distracting me from reality,
inviting me to look anywhere but here and now. 
Hope acts as my friend,
Despair acts as my enemy.
Sometimes Despair feels more comforting than Hope, 
but they are the same character with different clothing. 
I’m here, I’m now,
I am reality and I have the power to turn down any 
and all invitations into the land of illusion. 
Hope is just a thought,
and so is Despair.
I alone is real.

-Nanne Nyander
- from the book "The Silence of Awareness"