Saturday, 21 December 2024

Find the strength


Hope follows me wherever I go, 

but sometimes I can’t see it.

 Is it hiding?
Or am I moving too fast? 

-Nanne Nyander

Winter-tree. Nanne Nyander
Photo by Nanne Nyander

Remember who you are.
Everything is veiled by the interpretation of the mind, 

but I am strong,
I am strong enough to see through it.
Still, the mind sucks me in when I least expect it.
I feel totally helpless,
but I AM strong enough to resist.
I just have to find the strength,
I know it’s here somewhere,
Why is it hiding from me
when I need it the most? 

-Nanne Nyander

December-tree. Nanne Nyander
Photo by Nanne Nyander

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

I’m here holding your hand

 Nanne Nyander

Winter. Nanne Nyander


Was it I, who walked this path before, 

or was it someone else?
In my mind there is no one, 

no one will search for awakening anymore. 

Do you think no one will find it?
I’m no one, I’m nothing,
I’m everything. 

-From "The Way Back Home" by Nanne Nyander


Farewell, my friend,

I’m here holding your hand,
 but I’m leaving.
 I’m going home.

I have overstayed my visit a long time ago. 
Now it’s time to let go,

time to move on, 
or not move at all. 
You’re the one moving, 
moving away from me. 
I’m here, 
I’m still. 
I’m not moving.

I’m here holding your hand saying goodbye, 
as I see you vanish around the corner. 
You’re still holding on to me,

or am I holding on to you? 
It’s time to let go. 
It’s time to go. 

-From "The Way Back Home" by Nanne Nyander


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

About the Books

 Nanne Nyander

"About the Books"
The text below is linked to the site of their origin.

Silence by Nanne Nyander    

About "Silence" text BokHstrom

Out of the Labyrinth by Nanne Nyander

About "Out of the Labyrinth" text BokHstrom

The Struggle of Going Nowhere by Nanne Nyander

About "The Struggle of Going Nowhere" text BokHstrom

The Way Back Home by Nanne Nyander

About "The Way Back Home" text BokHstrom


About "One Without a Second" text BokHstrom

Sunday, 1 December 2024

1st of Advent

 Nanne Nyander

Nanne Nyander

The wanderer is waking up,
the journey has come to a stop.
No more searching,
the wanderer has woken up.
She woke up in my arms 
and now we are one. 

-Nanne Nyander


Sailing through the night sky, 

looking for you.

Are you still dreaming, 

or are you awake, awake to reality, 

awake to the truth?

Sail with me, through the sky, 

till we reach the end of time. 

We are going nowhere, 

and it’s a beautiful journey. 

-Nanne Nyander


From the Book: "The Way Back Home"

Bookshop Nanne Nyander

Monday, 18 November 2024


 Nanne Nyander

Peace by Nanne Nyander
Peace by Nanne Nyander


I’m trying to orchestrate the world, 
so that I can be at peace.
It’s too overwhelming.
I have to find my own peace. 

-Nanne Nyander


I’m the warrior. I’m the peacekeeper, 
I’m the one that pretends that I’m lost. 
I’m the seeker who thinks she has lost the 
only thing she can’t ever lose. 
I’m the finder of truth,
the truth that was always here. 
I’m going nowhere.
I’m here. 

-Nanne Nyander


Saturday, 9 November 2024

It’s time to wake up

 Nanne Nyander

Nanne Nyander . se


What can I do,
when the planet is going to pieces?
What can I do?
What can I do,
when the world is going crazy?
What can I do?
How can I resist going to pieces,
how can I resist going crazy?
I’m grabbing for some sanity in an insane world,
to not add more insanity,
to stay in the light.

It’s time to wake up.

-Nanne Nyander


Nanne Nyander . se


Am I here to find the truth, 

or is the truth here to find me, 

or are we one and the same? 

-Nanne Nyander



Friday, 1 November 2024

When the world has gone to pieces

 Nanne Nyander

We slumber by the fire of life
when dawn comes upon us.
Stranger there, 
speak to me, 
how did we become two? 

-Nanne Nyander


Nanne Nyander


What am I,

if not a sign that everything is ok?

What am I, 
if nothing is real?

What am I, 
when the world has gone to pieces, 
what am I?

I’m everything, 
I’m nothing,

I’m the good and the bad.

What am I, 
when nothing is left to fight for, 
what am I?

I am one,

I am one as everything,

I’m nothing.

I am. 

-Nanne Nyander
