Nanne Nyander
Only Resting by Nanne Nyander
Everything is falling apart,
I’m falling apart.
What I once thought was me is falling apart,
it doesn’t hold together anymore.
Random pieces floating around in the universe.
If I don’t pick them up and build a me,
I’m nowhere to be found.
-One Without a Second
There is no solid ground,
nowhere to land.
A feeling is just a feeling, without any meaning,
a sound is just a sound, no meaning.
I am nowhere to be found.
An emotion is just an emotion, no suffering,
no story, nowhere to land.
Feelings, sound, smell, sight,
it’s all separate without any connecting threads.
Still, it is all the same.
I’m not even lost,
me does not exist.
If I don’t create an I,
if I don’t create a self out of nothing,
I’m nowhere to be found,
there’s nowhere to land,
nothing to land on,
nothing that can land.
here I am.
-One Without a Second